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Selected Papers

† equal contribution, * corresponding author

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Quantitative analysis for
surface structure of
Pt nanocrystals


Revealing 3D atomic structure of
small Pt nanocrystals

Critical differences in 3D atomic structure of individual ligand-protected nanocrystals in solution

 ▪ Byung Hyo Kim , Junyoung Heo , Sungin Kim, Cyril F Reboul, Hoje Chun, Dohun Kang, Hyeonhu Bae, Hyejeong Hyun, Jongwoo Lim, Hoonkyung Lee, Byungchan Han, Taeghwan Hyeon, A Paul Alivisatos, Peter Ercius*, Hans Elmlund*, Jungwon Park*

  Science (Science 368, 6486, 60-67 (2020)) [PDF] [LINK]


Correlating 3D Surface Atomic Structure and Catalytic Activities of Pt Nanocrystals

 ▪ Sungin Kim, Jimin Kwag, Chiara Machello, Sungsu Kang, Junyoung Heo, Cyril F Reboul, Dohun Kang, Seulki Kang, Sangdeok Shim, So-Jung Park, Byung Hyo Kim, Taeghwan Hyeon, Peter Ercius*, Hans Elmlund*, Jungwon Park*

  Nano Letters (Nano Lett. 21, 2, 1175-1183 (2021)) [PDF] [LINK]

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Adsorption behavior of large-sized ligand on
low-symmetry surfaces

Complex ligand adsorption on 3D atomic surfaces of synthesized nanoparticles investigated by machine-learning accelerated ab initio calculation

 ▪ Dohun Kang †, Sungin Kim †, Junyoung Heo, Dongjun Kim, Hyeonhu Bae, Sungsu Kang, Sangdeok Shim*, Hoonkyung Lee*, Jungwon Park*

  Nanoscale (Nanoscale 15, 532-539 (2023)) [PDF] [LINK]

Publication List (Journal Papers)

† equal contribution, * corresponding author

12. Covalent-Frameworked 2D Crown Ether with Chemical Multi-functionality

 ▪ Jinseok Kim, Sungin Kim, Jinwook Park, Sungsu Kang, Dong Joo Seo, Namjun Park, Siyoung Lee,
Jae Jun Kim, Won Bo Lee, Jungwon Park*, and Jong-Chan Lee*

  Journal of the American Chemical Society (J. Am. Chem. Soc. 146, 7, 4532-4541 (2024)) [PDF] [LINK]

11. Small, solubilized platinum nanocrystals consist of an ordered core surrounded by mobile surface atoms

 ▪ Henry Wietfeldt, Rubén Meana-Pañeda, Chiara Machello, Cyril F. Reboul, Cong T. S. Van, Sungin Kim, Junyoung Heo, Byung Hyo Kim, Sungsu Kang, Peter Ercius, Jungwon Park*, and Hans Elmlund*

  Communications Chemistry (Commun. Chem. 7, 4, (2024)) [PDF] [LINK]

10. Multiple-length scale investigation of Pt/C degradation by identical-location transmission electron microscopy

 ▪ Jimin Kwag, Sungin Kim, Sungsu Kang, and Jungwon Park*

  Bulletin of the Korean Chemical Society (Bull. Korean Chem. Soc. 44, 6, 484-494 (2023)) [PDF] [LINK]

9. Method for 3D atomic structure determination of multi-element nanoparticles with graphene liquid-cell TEM

 ▪ Junyoung Heo , Dongjun Kim †, Hyesung Choi †, Sungin Kim, Hoje Chun, Cyril F. Reboul,
Cong T. S. Van, Dominika Elmlund, Soonmi Choi, Kihyun Kim, Younggil Park, Hans Elmlund*,
Byungchan Han*, and Jungwon Park*

  Scientific reports (Sci. Rep. 13, 1814 (2023)) [PDF] [LINK]

8. Complex ligand adsorption on 3D atomic surfaces of synthesized nanoparticles investigated by machine-learning accelerated ab initio calculation

 ▪ Dohun Kang †, Sungin Kim †, Junyoung Heo, Dongjun Kim, Hyeonhu Bae, Sungsu Kang,
Sangdeok Shim*, Hoonkyung Lee*, and Jungwon Park*

  Nanoscale (Nanoscale 15, 532-539 (2023)) [PDF] [LINK]

7. Observation of H2 Evolution and Electrolyte Diffusion on MoS2 Monolayer by In Situ Liquid-Phase Transmission Electron Microscopy

 ▪ Jihoon Kim, Anseong Park, Joodeok Kim, Seung Jae Kwak, Jae Yoon Lee, Donghoon Lee, Sebin Kim, Back Kyu Choi, Sungin Kim, Jimin Kwag, Younhwa Kim, Sungho Jeon, Won Chul Lee, Taeghwan Hyeon, Chul‐Ho Lee, Won Bo Lee*, and Jungwon Park*

  Advanced Materials (Adv. Mat. 34, 45, 2206066 (2022)) [PDF] [LINK]

6. 3‐Dimensional Scanning of Entire Unit Cells in Single Nanoparticles

 ▪ Junyoung Heo, Dohun Kang, Sungin Kim, Hoje Chun, Byungchan Han*, Byung Hyo Kim*,
and Jungwon Park*

  ChemNanoMat (ChemNanoMat 8, 5, e202200057 (2022)) [PDF] [LINK]

5. Reversible disorder-order transitions in atomic crystal nucleation

 ▪ Sungho Jeon , Taeyeong Heo , Sang-Yeon Hwang , Jim Ciston, Karen C Bustillo, Bryan W Reed, Jimin Ham, Sungsu Kang, Sungin Kim, Joowon Lim, Kitaek Lim, Ji Soo Kim, Min-Ho Kang, Ruth S Bloom, Sukjoon Hong, Kwanpyo Kim, Alex Zettl, Woo Youn Kim, Peter Ercius*, Jungwon Park*,
and Won Chul Lee*

  Science (Science 371, 6528, 498-503 (2021)) [PDF] [LINK]

4. SINGLE: Atomic-resolution structure identification of nanocrystals by graphene liquid cell EM

 ▪ Cyril F Reboul , Junyoung Heo , Chiara Machello, Simon Kiesewetter, Byung Hyo Kim, Sungin Kim, Dominika Elmlund, Peter Ercius, Jungwon Park*, and Hans Elmlund*

  Science advances (Sci. Adv. 7, 5, eabe6679 (2021)) [PDF] [LINK]

3. Correlating 3D Surface Atomic Structure and Catalytic Activities of Pt Nanocrystals

 ▪ Sungin Kim, Jimin Kwag, Chiara Machello, Sungsu Kang, Junyoung Heo, Cyril F Reboul,
Dohun Kang, Seulki Kang, Sangdeok Shim, So-Jung Park, Byung Hyo Kim, Taeghwan Hyeon,
Peter Ercius*, Hans Elmlund*, and Jungwon Park*

  Nano Letters (Nano Lett. 21, 2, 1175-1183 (2021)) [PDF] [LINK]

2. Critical differences in 3D atomic structure of individual ligand-protected nanocrystals in solution

 ▪ Byung Hyo Kim , Junyoung Heo , Sungin Kim, Cyril F Reboul, Hoje Chun, Dohun Kang,
Hyeonhu Bae, Hyejeong Hyun, Jongwoo Lim, Hoonkyung Lee, Byungchan Han, Taeghwan Hyeon,
A. Paul Alivisatos, Peter Ercius*, Hans Elmlund*, and Jungwon Park*

  Science (Science 368, 6486, 60-67 (2020)) [PDF] [LINK]

1. Redox-Sensitive Facet Dependency in Etching of Ceria Nanocrystals Directly Observed by Liquid Cell TEM

 ▪ Jongbaek Sung , Back Kyu Choi , Byunghoon Kim, Byung Hyo Kim, Joodeok Kim, Donghoon Lee, Sungin Kim, Kisuk Kang*, Taeghwan Hyeon*, and Jungwon Park*

  Journal of the American Chemical Society (J. Am. Chem. Soc. 141, 46, 18395-18399 (2019))
     [PDF] [LINK]

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